Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Veteran's day and thanks

Once again it’s Veteran’s day. Okay… so it was about a week and a half ago. I’ve been busy! I could do the whole ‘sorry, not sorry’ hashtag thingy… but I really don’t care (and this a blog, not Twitter, Facebook, Insta, etc.).  Anywho. This year I could actually take part in the veteran’s day festivities aka free/or discounted food, discounted services, free breakfast (and I missed the breakfast!) and so on. Normally, I don’t really care about these things because I don’t consider myself to be a special snowflake and expect a parade thrown in honor of my service. Maybe it’s also due to I’m usually in the field, combining corn like it’s my job. It really is, though. 

This year we were done before veteran’s day! Gasp, shock, amazement! Fine, yes, it was THE day before but still, it was before veteran’s day. The only other time I can remember being done that early was due to drought and/or hail and there wasn’t much to harvest. We tried something totally different and only planted soybeans this year.

Yeah, so it started to look pretty dicey there when out of the whole MONTH of October we only got eight half days of combining. Yup, only half days of actual, real, nitty gritty, dirty combining. The start of the season got off to an excellent start end of September but then the rain came, and the fog, and heavy dewy, no wind and no sun, days. 

So when I say I’m excited about being done before veteran’s day now you can celebrate with me because now you understand. There was serious combining being done in November. Bonus, it’s not even Thanksgiving yet! Okay, yes, we’re staring down the barrel at Thanksgiving but this year I am not a farmer working away at corn harvest on Thanksgiving. I will give plenty of thanks for that, believe me. 

Talking about thanks… thank you to all the men and women who are serving, and a thank to those who have served. It was honor to serve with  you and for those have gone before us, thank you for your oath to defend our great nation. 

And a thank you to farmers for feeding the world, one harvest at a time.