Monday, July 22, 2019

Yet another ‘little’ project

Our finished gazebo :)

Summer is flying by!

This project was going to be ‘done in plenty of time’ for Canada Day (July 1) and it was completed 
just in the nick of time. Things like the bin going up and the supposed rush in getting the floor put in (I guess people thought the corn was going to be harvested in the summer *shrug* who knows) and general life on the farm intervened.

Slowly taking off a few rings. Drizzling rain didn't dampen our motivation.
However, we got it done. And I was right there helping take the bin apart, move it home and then begin the re-assembly process. I left the ‘how to’s’ of drilling out the bin base and getting it home to my creative, handy-farmer-ingeniousness hubs. A bit of mother hen came out as I policed the deconstruction area as I insisted on safety first with things like ear and eye protection. Yes, even the stubborn father in-law had to wear ear protection. Common sense and safety work well together, don’t you think?

Getting it loaded for the haul home
Hubs vacillated between an anchor on top of the concrete or jack hammering through and really digging the posts in. The jack hammer won out but I think it’s because he wanted to rent a large tool to play with. I was actually hoping to try my hand at it but a friend dropped in and he and hubs got to have all the fun with the jack hammer. Probably just as well; it was ridiculously noisy even with ear protection on. Plus, who can ignore the joys of bookwork?

Supports are dug in
Yet another farmer friend let us use his bin crane and wow was that handy! Hauling it on the road made for quite the long load and extra wide turns but it lifted the dome of the bin so nicely.

An amazing tool, this bin crane
We took the remaining sheets and made this extension to cover the rest of the old concrete pad. The next morning hubs brought the grinder over and we trimmed off the extra length of the sheets. It made the process of bolting two sheets together and putting them up faster since we didn’t have to stop and trim each time.

Putting the bin on the posts; holding it steady
Sunday mornings or any evening we enjoy so much under our new gazebo. We can gaze upon the flower or veggie garden or watch the antics of the chickens. A light breeze whispers through the corn, gold finches chatter and nosy robins flutter around; it’s our little corner of relaxation.

I will cheerfully admit that this idea stemmed from the creative archives on Pintrest. Hubs adores (not) this platform of chronic inspiration.

Finishing the last section; called it a night at 12:30am & trimmed off the overhang in the morning. The stars were beautiful that night.
We installed heavier support beams because next year the final touch will be a bench swing or two. Honestly, a part of me really wanted to ‘just be done with it’ but our DIY motivation was tapped out. And we’re in the process of switching gears, getting out of the summer mindset and looking towards harvest. Yes, harvest in July. Although it will be more likely the first part of August that we engage the rotor for harvesting fall rye. (Still not used to my summer vacay ending so soon.)

May your week be full of sunshine, light breezes and iced coffee.