Thursday, December 29, 2016

The weather outside is frightful

Well, as the post’s title says, the weather was indeed frightful. An impeding sense of doom aka blizzard caused a schedule scramble to happen. Sadly I did not get to spend Christmas with my family as we had planned. A lovely Colorado low sent us an early gift in the form of a blizzard. We could have beaten the storm to my parents but getting back home was the sticking point (and in time for the party WE were hosting).

Turns out it’s the winter for snow thunder, sleet/snow/rain/sleet combos and oodles of snow. Here, we got a lovely foot of snow or so, as I discovered by the shovelful. My parents got an inch of rain and the miles between us got sleet topped with snow. The highways were awful the day we were supposed to have been driving back. Ahh, well. We ended up getting a few little things done and my two days of nothing but deep cleaning the house were somewhat in vain. You win some, you lose some right?

Hooray, for the closet being done! And it turned out wonderful, exactly as I had pictured it. My porch now looks less cluttered and inviting with an air of relaxation. It was a little busy looking before. Sadly I can’t find a 'before' picture. Bummer.

10 steps to host the perfect party
1.       Offer to host the party
2.       Plan to be gone for a couple days right before the party
3.       Have others brings a side dish, veggie platter, etc.
4.       Roast a turkey for the FIRST time
5.       Spend two days deep cleaning the house
6.       Invite a blizzard for a little mayhem, four days before the party
7.       Make delicious krumkake (Scandinavian cookie)
8.       Have guests ‘surprise’ you with three extra side dishes so no eats the creamy mashed potatoes you made
9.       Take out the glass-topped ceramic casserole lovingly housing the now warmed candied sweet potatoes, FORGET it’s 350 degrees F ‘warm’ and take off the glass lid with your hand sans oven mit
10.   Drink a big mug, one a giant would love, of coffee laced with an Irish coffee liquor
11.   Oh, and enjoy the party

I enjoy a well-set table and for the more special dinner parties I put out a nice table cloth, my fancy crystal dishes, linen napkins and delicious food. It’s really a small detail but the little details add up and subtly influence the atmosphere.

The party was fun, food was enjoyed, I burned my fingers and great coffee was had. We played our gift exchange to a ‘Left, Right’ story and each gift was apropos for the person it matched up with in the end. Our new friend of the family and honorary family member also had a good time and enjoyed the camaraderie.

And now, on to the New Year!

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