Thursday, July 20, 2017

Hardworking farm pup

Clearly this farm pup is putting in the hours and working hard. Chasing birds is rough and keeping those lazy cats in line is a full time job. Not to mention the crop scouting

 Just about every time we turn around, there he is, passed out cold on the floor.

Or in the truck

This pup obviously has a tough life. 

Then he eats his supper with the midnight oil and the next morning is barely coherent. I guess we should’ve named him ‘Sleepy,’ it would have been more fitting. Seriously, this pup doesn’t realize it’s daylight until 9am!

And on the days he actually has to work, like crop scouting or supervising seed delivery, then the moment work stops the eyes are closed and deep breathing has commenced. To be a pup, eh? Oh and with treats too.

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