Monday, November 6, 2017

Busy Busy Bee

Pre-snow, thanks hubs

A darkened dawn, birds still asleep, greeted me this Monday morning. Air so crisp exhaled delicate, lacy frost patterns across glass. Remote start saved me the short-walk-but-you-run-because-it’s-cold. Coffee in hand, hubs and I trekked south.

This harvest, especially this last week and weekend, has shown me that life is constantly busy with always something ‘important’ happening. Over the course of four days I had returned to Canuckland, traveled for a wedding, came back to SoDak and then went to Nebraska. The days had been highlighted with mile marker events for friends and family.

If you want to put miles on and properly break in your vehicle you:
1)      Drive 7 hours in one day
2)      Drive another 1.5 hours each way the next day
3)      Take a chill day and only drive an hour round trip
4)      Now ‘rested up’ drive 7 hours in one day
5)      For kicks and giggles (but mostly for family) drive another 3 hours each way the following day

It’s really as simple as that. Don’t forget the snacks and the dog though. And the coffee, that’s important.

Annnnnd now we have snow in MB
The long days of harvest coalesced into one big, long weekend. Every farmer knows the sacrifice of personal time, family time and sleep. Somehow my calendar had filled with busyness and sacrificed personal time, time with hubs and sleep.

In the moment I might momentarily regret making the time for ‘x’ when I could have been doing something busy. But was I productive? Was I going to regret not making time when I looked back on the highlight’s reel of memories? Some say time is money. Some say time is love. I dare to say time is family and friends.
One short hour of work left in the day! Clearly a long day
I try to keep in mind that the work will always be there and it won’t miss you in return. However, family and friends will remember you being there for them. And no one knows the days or years they’ll be blessed to live. It’s the achievements, laughter, jokes, etc. that make a moment memorable. They say love your work but I think it should be said in conjunction with love your family and friends. Be passionate about what you do, be bold in life but share that bold passion with time with family and friends.

May your week be productive, have a good visit with a friend, and hopefully no snow.

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