Monday, January 30, 2017

It’s TOO much!

It was anything but a typical Monday morning here in Canuckland. Instead, I’m up before the sun, which is not cool, AND we saw the school bus on the way into the city. You know it’s early. Then I look out the window and it’s alternately sleeting and snowing those big, heavy cotton ball snowflakes. Yup, driving is sure to be fun. And to top it all off, I forgot to post this post. As it turns out, the post is way more awesome now than it would have been, you’re welcome. 

We’re on our way to the chiropractor because good spinal health, correction, posture is right up there next to the key of life. My other half has blessed me with his presence so he too, gets to partake of this life-changing experience aka a good chiropractic adjustment. I don’t drop names, rarely anyways, so you’ll have to ask which chiropractor if you really want to know. It’s like asking for directions. You man up (or woman up) find a nice-looking stranger, NOT model worthy but more like they won’t set you up and rob you, harmless looking. Anyways, I digress. We’re happily plodding along in the lovely dirty streets when this big telephone service truck stops at a green light. Of course, ‘what the-‘ rolls through our minds and then ZING! Bam! This minivan barrels through an obviously red light and smokes the unsuspecting SUV that’s innocently going through their green light. It was like watching bumper cars but with better sound effects. I was horrified; that could have been us since we were in the lane of fire if that truck hadn’t stopped. Eventually we made it to the chiropractor and thankfully didn’t need more than the usual adjustment.

The day is a beautiful, balmy cloudy day with air temps that chill you into reaching for that winter jacket. I’m enjoying being chauffeured around the city, to the mall, here and there. Yes, my husband willingly drove me to the LARGEST mall in the city so I could find, acquire and cross items off my list. Then my nose decides it wants to run… for prez or until the sun comes out, I don’t know. Thankfully I’m wearing a hoodie that’s large enough to hide an entire box of tissues in the kangaroo pouch thingie (note, I did discard the actual box of the tissues, it looked too weird). 

After perusing a bookstore and sadly coming to the conclusion that there wasn’t a new book out that wrangled my interest like a cowboy steer wrestling; I drifted into the coffee shop that just happened to be attached. Really, honey, I had NO idea there was a coffee shop in a five mile radius. But hey, since we're here... coffee time!

It’s about lunch time. We were supposed to meet some family for a late lunch. The minutes tick by. I check, re-check and check my phone again for any texts saying they’re now headed our way. We’re now headed for a laaate lunch when I see a gray minivan drive by. Yes! That’s them! Oh wait, WE are in the gray minivan and THEY have the pickup. This, sadly, happened several times. I’d say it’s because I’m blonde but I think that hunger-induced forgetfulness was the true culprit. You see, we were supposed to meet for lunch but also swap back our respective vehicles. Really, it’s too much to ask of a person to sit and wait patiently when food is so close. I know a hint of how a dog feels when they have to sit and wait for the treat. 

Oh and somewhere in there, in all that dirty, slushy chaos called life, err, traffic, we managed to locate and drop off our grain moisture tester for re-calibration. This shop was hidden away in the industrial section and you had to make sure to zig and not zag at the appropriate times otherwise you’re lost like Alice. The poor thing was so far out we couldn’t use it at all this past harvest. And the check for this little tune-up will sting but be well worth it. 

For sure and for certain it’s a Monday. It’s too much. And I had two coffee mugs fully loaded; the second mug barely got me to the city the coffee was disappearing that quickly. It’s too much, I’d ask for a do-over but neither do I want to repeat the day’s events nor ever so I’ll drink more coffee instead.

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