Monday, January 23, 2017

Politics ‘n’ snow

What do politics and snow have in common? Well, three things. I think. 

1)      The US presidential race season has come to an end, beating winter’s end by a few months.
2)      Trump’s inauguration has met with a chilly response from parts of America. Good thing it’s winter, there’s an excuse to bundle up in layers.
3)      Just like this snow hanging on, Trump will be around for awhile now.


It’s that time, the time in which we FINALLY put political races to bed for another season. Over the weekend, speculation has run rampant over the new Trump administration. Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the U.S. this past Friday. I, for one, am happy this presidential race season is done as I found the past year and a half or so of political ads and mudslinging quite tiring. 

However, I was surprised by the level of interest of those around me here in Canuckland. Maybe I shouldn’t be so naïve about the interest of Canucks; seeing as how US trade policy, et cetera affects pricing and commodities here in Canuckland. It will be especially interesting to follow Trump’s policies and trade as it affects farming. I know many farmers are keeping a concerned eye on the future of grain prices and demand, farmers on both sides of the border. 

This whole concept of being a farmer from the US and now learning how to farm in Canuckland is proving to be the adventure of a lifetime. It’s one thing to read in the paper of how trade deals or policies will affect foreign affairs and it’s a new thing entirely to now be in the thick of that ‘affect.’ For example: The US could potentially put new trade restrictions into effect that will affect grain pricing here in Canuckland. The reverse could then potentially happen with Canuckland (or any other country in the world) putting trade restrictions in place that would drop US grain prices through the basement floor. The farming roller coaster is looking like it will have a few new loops, drops and surprises. This year is quickly shaping up to be one of the more interesting years for me. 

And you thought farming was boring.

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