Monday, April 17, 2017

An excellent Friday (not just good)

Good Friday was an excellent day. In unrelated to farming news, my niece was born! First time auntie right here, now I just need to buy the t-shirt. 

Back to farming, as the old farmer’s tale goes, the weather on Good Friday will determine your weather for the next month and a half. Well… we had gusting winds, rain and generally mucky weather. I can see it now, we’ll be planting between the rain drops. Imagine a large planter (or air seeder) racing between rain drops like Ben Hur and chariot racing. If you don’t know Ben Hur, please help me help you and google it. 

Then I called down south to talk with my dad to discuss the planting schedule and the best time for my arrival to work there. Turns out he had about similar weather but with more sunshine and less ick factor to the weather (he still had some rain though). Scooter had to join the convo and insist that he gets to ride along in the planter or tractor ‘n’ disc combo. Silly pup. 

I was going to go mowing (in APRIL!) but thankfully that crazy notion was shut down by a passing rainstorm. Then I had the thought of picking up all the sticks and branches the trees around our place don’t seem to need anymore and so thoughtfully left on the ground. Just for me, yay. 

But I think I hear the coffeepot calling my name. Coffee time it is.

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