Monday, April 3, 2017

Holding up to pesky promises

You know those days when you wish you really hadn’t opened your mouth? Yeah, there’s a cure for that. It’s called don’t open your mouth and let those pesky promises verbalize! 

They really can be quite a ‘debby downer’ or ‘bummer dude’. And that promise(s) haunt you because people remember those things (but they can’t seem to remember to pay you back). Well, that’s what happened to me when I promised my mother in-law I’d build a bench like mine but not like mine for her. And then she added on an additional request of ‘please build a king size head board for me.’ 

Those aren’t huge requests in the grand scheme of life but they are time-consuming and her mind changes on details like sizing, stain color, style, etc. like a dandelion puff floating on a fickle breeze.
I do hold to my word once I give it (unfortunately, dang it!) and even though it was a full calendar year from when I had promised to when I actually got it built, I follow through. This week we finish off the final detail of the headboard by padding it and covering it. Then officially done! More on this later. 

It took a bit of sketching and mental math to figure out a few of the dimensions but it turned out pretty good! I don’t have a photo of the finished bench but she stained it an antique walnut and then put a three inch foam pad covered in a teal sky blue color on top. Underneath she has her requisite Ikea boxes to hold her scarves, mittens and such. I really loved the wood grain that came out in the 1x4s on the bench top. Yes, I did build this in my garage because it was cleaner to stain the bench and headboard legs there than in the shop with all the dust flying around.

The bench in pieces

King size headboard and the completed bench.

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