Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Busy busy

Someone's grumpy

You know you’re busy when… You forget that your blog post didn’t post because you forgot to write it. In all the busyness, running around and accomplishing big and little tasks, a little part of you assumes that the post was written and the internal reminder system stays silent. Then in heat of the afternoon on Monday you think ‘oh yeah, I have time now’ but your gaze is snared by the sight of a great big green combine practically doing wheelies on your front lawn. 

Apparently the fall rye is now being combined. The last word heard on the home front was that the uncle’s winter wheat was being combined and then they’d reassess for repairs and field statuses. Clearly, they’d decided to try the fall rye. I was about to call my hubs and tell him he was about to overfill the grain tank. One good, quick and hard stop and there would be a mess of grain all over the cab roof. The grain was mounded so high I had to wonder if I could wring water out of it. Then I noticed it wasn’t my hubs driving and figured they could use their spidey senses to feel the impending doom. 

It was much pretty much a ‘shiny squirrel’ moment. Squirrel sees something shiny, goes ‘ooooh’, distracted and runs after said shiny object. And that’s how this post came to be today. 

Today, they moved to the uncle’s fall rye field since it’s moisture readings were drier. Hubs is advocating for swathing (with no rain in the forecast) to help age (and dry) the stalks faster for easier combining. Poor combines rumble and grumble the whole time in fall rye. It’s bad enough, I’m always worried I’ll break something. 

A quick repair right after lunch got combine two back in the game for the second half. Turns out the hydraulic hose for the reel had several leaks (thanks mouse) and wouldn’t raise/lower on one half. Awkward. But now the reel raises and lowers beautifully, without creating a cleanup on aisle two situation for oil spills. Nothing like a good ‘ahhh’ moment and basking in the glorious moment the reel responds and glides into the raise or lower movement. 

A quick side note for my less agri-educated peeps. The reel is the equipment in front with the fingers on each bar, turning lazily as it gently tips the grain into the header.

Who me? I did not do this
 Last weekend hubs did a little demo to resituate the bathroom fan from ground level to a more apropos spot near the ceiling. Well, with the drywall and mudding we decided to be super motivated and redo my creative office while we were at it. (I say we but I mean me, although hubs did help me move some books.) 

So I emptied the room, painted it, traveled to Ikea for bookshelves, set up said bookshelves and refilled the room. I’m pretty sure a time lapse video would have been highly entertaining as I scurry here and there. Then my parents came for a short visit. Boy, was I tired. Those bookshelves in their condensed, packed form are really heavy… by yourself. Scoots was no help as he sat there gnawing on his bone. 

After the remodel but could use more organizing yet
 It’s cooler today, no rain in sight and fresh biscotti straight from the oven. I think that calls for some coffee. Oh and with a side of anticipation for combining… and maybe rain.

Chocolate chip almond-flavored gluten-free biscotti

 P.S. My haul today from the garden! Another good harvest of cucumbers like these and I’m in business for my first-ever attempt at canning. Although I’m a little worried at the sheer amount of sweet corn that’s ripening quickly; I’ll be literally slaving away over the stove to cook it.

P.P.S. A quick, flyby 'Happy Birthday!' to my sis! Well, one of them, clearly the one with the August birthday.

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