Friday, January 5, 2018

Farmers on holiday

For the next three weeks or so, I’ll be posting more bite-sized posts as I’m on the road!

Hubs and I flew to Victoria, Australia to visit a few of his friends and for a bit of holiday (vacation) for us as well. Saturday we landed in Melbourne and we spent New Year’s in Geelong (pronounced juh-long) down by the waterfront to watch the fireworks. We got to see the Sidney fireworks on local tv, it was a neat thing for us anyways.

A cousin took us to the golf course in Daylesford and we got to see some kangaroos chilling on hole nine, taking in the sights. We stayed at Bellinzona, a quite nice hotel-b&b cross with a fabulous breakfast. The cousin’s son took us for an ‘easy’ hike in the Wombat national preserve (or park, I can’t remember). It ended up with more vertical climbing than expected and somehow we missed all of the turns for the short route. It’s not marked in-depth but we did get to see a couple of wallabies. I managed to get 12+k steps in so we did about 5.5 miles (the whole day but the trail was about 3 miles). You can say I was a bit winded and tired at the end of that day.

Farmer friends have given us tours of their area and a close-up look at their paddocks (fields). Large paddocks, 660 ac, gently roll off into the distance while the ‘small’ paddocks, 160ac, are tucked away in the bush and occasional cactus.

By the time I crack my eyes open the sun is long already up in the sky and very quickly warms up. Today the high, in the Boort area, is 43C and very windy. Needless to say I’m sticking to the shade and AC if at all possible. It’s a bit warm for me and too sunny for this Scandinavian heritage with a winter tan.  I did splurge and buy SPF50 sunscreen to coat myself with before stepping foot outside. It’s like perfume but better, nice and smooth with a light greasy finish. I was hoping for a matte look but no such luck.

This week we’re off to see and tour the Great Ocean road and hopefully see some koalas. Maybe penguins too?

I haven’t figured out the trick to posting photos from my phone to the blog all the while on my phone. Hopefully I can get the link from Instagram here and you can see some photos via that option.

Catch ya later!

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