Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The first days

Blue stone church, Australia @hyphenatedfarmerswife
Where we attended church one Sunday

The sheer beauty of Australia is astounding. Of course, we saw a very small part of it. Mostly we stayed in Victoria with a quick hop and foray into New South Wales. As we racked up kilometers in the car, or on foot, it felt like we saw heaps of Aussieland.

I thought for sure and for certain we had conquered a lot of territory by way of sight-seeing; just in the first few days. As we looked over the map for where we were to go later in the week, I realized that I had seen the smallest fraction of a percent of this beautiful land.

Coming from the frosty nip of winter and walking out into the green of summer shrouded in shy, flirty fog was a delight. The true effect of Aussie summer hadn’t sunk in yet as the hot, drying sun was held at bay for another day. Hubs’ Aussie parents, as he affectionately calls them, picked us up from the airport.

Aussie mom immediately greeted me with the biggest, warm hug and then a gorgeous smile and hello. In that moment, I felt as if I were a part of her family. I can’t thank her enough for making me feel so welcome and at ease. Aussie dad is a bit of a rascal and a big tease. Clearly, hubs has modeled part of himself after this guy.

As we wound and threaded our way through the tapestry-like maze of confusing intersections, roundabouts – while driving on the left side of the road, a thought stayed with me. How quickly I adapted to this gorgeous landscape and how it seemed as if I had been away for only a short time.

Since we had landed only mid-morning we had the opportunity pop up to meet the Aussie brother and his new wife. Over coffees and a bite of lunch the guys reminisced over their travels together five years earlier while we ladies enjoyed girl talk.

I had offered to hold the car down while the Aussie parents popped into the grocery store and hubs off to find some chocolate.  While I waited I’d put on a few Doterra essential oils such as OnGuard, gerenaium, balance and serenity as I waited in the car. (I adore the smell of essential oils and it’s always a fun experience whenever I use them.) They return and immediately Aussie mom asks about the oil of cloves scent. Startled, I’d forgotten, I confessed to my oil use and application; explaining that clove is used in the OnGuard blend. We learned that oil of cloves had been used a lot in Aussie Dad’s work in the eel factory back in the day. It was neat to find out that oil of cloves was used to sedate eels back then. We had an enjoyable talk about essential oils and how hubs and I use them daily.

We toured with the Aussie parents one day after the New Year to a few nearby small towns, had a wonderful iced coffee and lunch and met a delightful, cheerful (welcoming and talktative) woman with the blue sky in her eyes and her patient dog, a black and white collie mix. Next was a lookout tower with a gorgeous view for miles and miles. Who knew once upon a time there had been volcanic activity here? I certainly had never thought of Australia and volcanoes in the same sentence.

What a view
We had the pleasure to attend church in this historic blue stone building. Time has paused here at this picturesque country church. The architecture inside and out has a timeless grace. The Sunday service started with the bell ringing out, inviting us and others to a thought-provoking and good service. Aussie mom has a beautiful skill with the organ that we got to enjoy as we accompanied her, with somewhat in tune voices, in song. Hubs had to show me the upper deck railing he helped to reinforce on his last visit, five years ago. I’m pleased to say the railing is still sturdy.

Sheep and more sheep than I’ve ever seen, outside of movies. And all I really wanted to do was race my horse over these lands and enjoy God’s handiwork.

Heaps of sheep
 May your week be filled with DoTerra essential oils (for the cold & flu going around), hot tea and good friends.

Hubs just had to stop and check out this field art

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