Monday, March 19, 2018

The last days Down Under

Waterside view of the opera house

The last days were filled with sun, beach time, hunting coffee shops and other tourist-like behavior such as shopping. We spent our last days in Sydney with a quick hop up to Melbourne. In between times we stayed with amazing friends in Geelong.

Beautiful, postcard perfect days invited us to walk the streets of Sydney forgoing the train. We found out on our second to last day that the train is quite a reasonable (price) mode of transport. Ah well, we enjoyed the city life walking everywhere and seeing the city at hustle and bustle moments. The walk now signal jarring beeping did get old after the second day.

We took ourselves on a walking tour around Darling Harbor. The sun refused to play hide and seek with the skyscrapers and instead amused itself in the reflections of the glossy buildings. I must note, the shade was sparse as the trees were young and we were on the sun side of the tall giants.
Stairs here and there challenged our muscles when the hills went flat. The steps quickly accumulated, the miles rolled on and still we walked. Sunglasses out, hats on (okay, I ‘borrowed’ hubs cap) and fueled with water we ventured on. (We walked 12 miles and change that day or approximately 12 kilometers.)

Eventually we found the Sydney harbor bridge and a bit longer later we found the stairs to the bridge level and the walking path. Briefly, we contemplated doing the bridge climb but the reality of limited time left in the city nixed that one. So we walked the whole bridge (and back).

Our last day in the city we headed for the beach. Originally we had thought to head to Bondi beach. Turns out, as we were vehicle-less, it would involve quite a few bus and train switches to get there. Next choice up, Manley beach. A short train ride to the land of ferries, a ‘fast ferry’ later and we were walking the handful of blocks to the beach. They weren’t kidding about the fast part. We practically skated and flew over the choppy water. Thank you strong winds.

Passing the other ferries
It was a beautiful day, perfect for the beach. Sun’s out, really windy and no swimming. Apparently the riptide was strong and the only ‘swimming’ allowed was wading in ankle deep water. I chilled on the beach and soaked in a few rays while hubs determinedly changed and, channeling his inner five year-old, sat in the water. He managed to enjoy the water and the warm sun, even in all his blinding winter tan glory. Haha.

A short scold from the life guard because Hubs went out to his knees.
Then we were packing up and flying back to Geelong and our friends. The camaraderie, coffee and chats with our Aussie friends are something that we will always remember. As a last hurrah, hubs suggested we pop up for the day to Melbourne. And so we went via train. It was so fun to see the countryside roll by with the swaying of the cars with the occasional gentle, timely stops interspersed.

Melbourne was overwhelming as we only had the day. We headed for the Yarra river and found respite in the shade of gently rustling trees. Coffee was a little harder to track down and find. While hubs roamed the shops along the river, I scouted for the appropriate seating to while the day away. A family vacated the perfect bench under a big shady tree with a view of the river and its travelers.

Now that is the way to spend the day. Sipping coffee, talking (or not), watching people head for somewhere and the boats or rowing teams troll the river. Serene, peaceful and relaxing.

View from the sky deck
Our one touristy thing we had to check off, at hubs’ insistence, was the Sky Deck. Its only 89 floors above the ground. The building sways slightly in the unseen wind but the 360 view offsets that slightly disturbing feeling. I don’t know what I’m looking at besides the general ‘cityscape’ view but it was inspiring.

The exit sign at the sky deck :)
Eventually we located the correct train back to Geelong and our friends. The day of departure back to the wintry land of Canuckland dawned and found us with our bags packed. The bags may have been slightly weighed down with souvenirs and gifts. Hugs, smiles and goodbyes all around and we were off to the airport! Hubs Aussie parents drove us back to the airport. Disbelief had us wondering how the time went so quickly.

No matter how quickly the time went, the sights we saw and the people we met; the photos and memories will always go with us. And our friends are just a phone or video call away. Until then. And until Australia calls us to return.

 May your week be filled with grace, sunshine and a cuppa rose tea latte. I leave you with this beach view at Manley beach.

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