Monday, April 9, 2018

Silence calls to me

A frosty evening

The past two weeks I haven’t posted; I opened my word document and let the cursor blink for a couple of minutes. Then I closed it and put my laptop away. What to write?

Farming is at a nail-biting, anxiety-inducing lull. The in-between, stretched out moment of waiting. It’s neither winter nor spring; judging by the snow and frigid temps. Oh and the forecast is saying snow this weekend.

The silence calls to me.

It’s the peace before the storm, the flurry of activity that we fondly know as planting. This is followed by a season of hard work, sweat, rain (hopefully), spraying, cultivating and finally harvest. Not necessarily in this order although harvest is usually the culmination. 😊

It’s a time of going farther down the work/repair list and doing those little things, the final spit polish. And apparently, it’s the beginning of auction season. I still lack the ability to follow an auctioneer so I volunteer to hold the place down and do bookwork (and maybe blog).

The silence calls to me.

I search for words to describe the beauty of hoar frost that we had visit us for a couple of days. A photo barely does it justice. The words? Well, the soft silence and sheer enjoyment gently closed the door on any words. Some things are better appreciated in the moment.

Creativity’s spark was muted and quiet. I appreciated the coffee moments with friends more. The usual endless racing litany of words, ideas, phrases, scenes and on serenely strolled on by in my mind; without demanding they form as words on paper, to wait for another day.

The silence calls to me.

The call isn’t a shout for attention, it’s a soft whisper like a willow tree gently waving in an unseen breath of wind, to come sit and stay a while. The silence is peaceful and a welcoming place to gather thoughts and order the passion, the zest for life.

Life can neither be ordered nor can it be predicted. If you sit and stay a while in the silence calling, you can plan the steps to direct it. A time to mull and savor ideas.

All kinds of thoughts and plans happening!
The silence calls to me (it doesn’t say much). It rarely calls often and it’s like a good friend you see once in a great while so you take the time to sit and catch up. Life shouldn’t be always lived uber busy, although its nice, silence every now and a rare then is pleasant. Sometimes its exactly what you didn’t need in the ‘now’ but in the ‘then’ it was perfect.

May your week of ‘sprinter’ (spring & winter) find you contentment, coffee with friends and robins on the lawn.

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