Monday, April 23, 2018

Pre-planting ponderings

Murphy the cat joins in for the tail end of the walk.

Somehow two weeks have flown by! I’d like to say I’ve been a busy bee but bees aren’t out ‘n’ about quite yet so perhaps more like a productive robin (?). It kind of works but not as catchy. Hmm, oh well. The pre-planting fervor has only gotten stronger and with the snow finally melted off, seed deliveries, warm sunshine and light winds… You can see how any farmer would be itching to get into the field. About the only deterrent yet is the possibility of getting stuck in the mud. (Although hubs is hoping to roll into a light start at the week’s end.)

Hubs and Scooter are busy putting the final touches and updates on the planter. Well, Scooter is more in the role of resting his eyes under the planter or supervising from his sun tanning in front of the shop doors. The cats, of course, using him as their cushion. Meanwhile, I’ve plotted out my garden and am prepping to head south for planting.

I debated and debated over starting seeds in the house this year. It mostly hinged on planting plans and my actual motivation to do the work of starting seedlings and keep up with the watering. Hubs encouraged me to start a few anyways this year. He even said he would spritz down the seed trays while I’m gone!

A nice way to unwind from a day of hard work, or busy work, is going for a walk. We try to walk every night with a few exceptions for meetings or catching up with friends. This is no Sunday saunter but a brisk, power walk. Guaranteed to cover serious ground. A nice side benefit of these evening walks is that they wear out the dog. Because all that ‘walking’ Scooter does during the day isn’t enough exercise for a high-energy dog like him.

For something new and diverting from those all-consuming planting/seeding thoughts, we went bowling with our church family this past weekend. I haven’t gone bowling since I moved to Canuckland. Even then, it’s been a few years yet. I was excited because it’s fun and I usually have a decent score.

Well. We walk in and request our shoes. I’m looking around to see what bowling ball I want. Hubs heads over to our lane and I follow still trying to figure out where the bowling balls are at. Color me confused. We all enjoy a nice laugh with hubs over his pink shoes. Mine were the standard color. I’m talking away when I’m tapped for my turn to bowl. I walk up to grab a ball from the return area.

The balls are the size of soft balls approximately. No finger holes at all. I turn to my group and ask if they were serious. Yup, they were and hilarity ensued. Guys, I felt like I was at a ball game or at a track meet for shot put.

Then I look down the lane. It couldn’t get worse, or different right? I count and count again. I was starting to wonder if the glow bowl lights were making me see things. I counted only five pins. Yup, the other lanes all had only five pins. Since when was five-pin bowling a thing?

I go for a nice sliding soft lunge for my throw. Only my wrist remained locked and the ball went for a hard left straight into the gutter. Not even close to the pins. This whole throwing a bowling ball that fits into your hand with no finger holes thing was a unique experience. Let’s just say if I was golfing I would have had first placed locked in. Hubs on the other hand, had some serious flair when he was bowling. He had this arm wind up reminiscent of baseball and then this leg kick as he leaned into the throw. Too bad I didn’t think to take a photo, perhaps it was because we were so entertained with his antics.

May your week be filled with warm sunshine, robins chirping nearby and a full cup of coffee.

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