Monday, October 10, 2016

Getting the feet wet

It’s that time of year again.

Time to clean out the cobwebs, dust things off and… did you think I was talking about cleaning?!? Ha. Well, in a very roundabout way it could be considered cleaning; if you think about harvest as cleaning off the fields.

You got it folks, its harvest season!

I love fall; the trees changing colors, the crisp scent to the air and seeing the combines in the fields. Of course, I would be in one of those combines but it’s fun to watch others going as well. I much prefer red to green but in a pinch (or a lack of red around) I’ll settle for green. I do love my red combine, the cab is bigger than the green one I’ve been in and it’s much quieter also. I can actually listen to the radio without getting a headache. What can I say? I’ve got excellent hearing and that much rumbling and loud white noise makes it impossible to listen to a radio in a green cab.

Farming with the hubby here north of the border is nice but it really helps that harvest starts just a bit earlier than in the states. It gives me the opportunity to shake the rust off after the yearly sabbatical from combining. The flat prairies here and a lack of rocks hiding in the ground that usually can’t wait to pounce into my header (yikes!) is an easy way to get back into the groove and feel for combining.

I will say it will take me awhile (a couple of years anyone?!) to get used to the fact that harvest season starts about end of July (the very early side) and goes till about the middling of November. To me, July is finish spraying, mow and mow some more, and finish trucking season; most definitely NOT the precursor to harvest season.

Ah well, in my mind, it doesn’t really feel like harvest aka fall till the middle of September. This year it has been a glorious fall so far with the trees turning colors. Some years it sadly changes in the wink of an eye.

I’d love to chat but it’s time to run! It’s harvest time! 

Happy harvesting

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