Monday, October 31, 2016

Pumpkins, fall and Charlie Brown

What springs forth in your mind when you think of fall? Mine is pumpkins, pretty fall leaves and Charlie Brown. I’m talking the coffee, not the character Charlie Brown. What, you say?

You’ve never had a pumpkin latte until you’ve had the Charlie Brown pumpkin latte at my absolute favorite coffee shop and roasterie, Coffea.

Okay, I’ll admit I do love Charlie Brown the character too and his Thanksgiving (it’s a good movie). If you’re ever in the SoDak neck of the woods, stop in and check out Coffea, it’s worth it. Mind you this is a seasonal drink.

I fondly remember their caramel lattes. Take a picture, they are works of art. I do wish they had a Coffea here in my area. The best I’ve got is a Coffee Culture, they’re good but they’re not Coffea.

Yeah, I’m a farmer but I love my coffee. Usually two travel mugs of goodness go with me to the combine and they only last till noon. Yup, it’s a sad day at that point. Any rainy day is usually an excuse enough for me to run to town and grab a superb cup of coffee. It’s not a cup of joe, it is most definitely coffee.

It’s Halloween but the day is about pumpkins, a latte and pretty fall leaves for me. I enjoy pumpkin carving but mostly I love pumpkins for the simple delight of baking them and blending them into a creamy puree. It makes the most delicious pumpkin pie ever.

Enough chit chat, it’s back to the fields for me. I do believe my combine has missed me.

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