Monday, October 3, 2016

May you rest in peace (?)

Part of me half wishes this was an epitaph for this infamous animal… Turns out it’s more of a tribute. No, no, that’s too positive.

A nod, yes, this is a nod to the infamous animal that holds (unfortunately) a special place in hubby’s heart. He’s an animal that will live to the ripe old age of forty-something and is only five now, yikes.
What a future to look forward to. I’d much prefer an Arabian for longevity.

Danno, is a miniature donkey. Why do we have one you ask? Well, before me and hubby met, he decided he wanted one and so he got one. Along with two bubble-brained ewes, for company, or so he said. Methinks he could’ve been Old MacDonald in another life.

I, on the other hand, prefer horses. Horses are smart, useful, good friends and the list goes one. A miniature donkey is smart (a**), protective and can do… well, I’m not really sure how useful he really is outside of the whole protective detail.

He and I don’t really get along. He views me as the interloper that stole his master’s affections, time and attention away from him. Maybe part of that is true, ha.

The little donkey is a turd some of the time. He likes to bite or kick on a whim and he’s not really halter broken. He adores my hubby though. At least he has good taste.

And in the winter, when he’s in his winter yard, he’s shown that he’s the driveway alarm. Who needs a doorbell or those sensor alarm thingies when the donkey will bray when someone pulls into the yard? You can hear him clear as a bell in the shop. In the house, well, not so much. We still need to work on that yet.

I will say he is cute for a miniature donkey and he turns on the charm when people visit. Either that or he is good at manipulation for treats. He prefers a handful of oats, no carrots or apples, please; he’s a connoisseur.

May the years be quick, the grass green and tasty, and the sun warm on your back Danno.

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