Monday, February 27, 2017

Moving to that new life

Moving in general is no fun at all. It involves boxes, packing tape and a marker. Unfortunately when other people help the marker and labeling is forgotten and then you’re awash in a sea of loaded boxes with no idea what they contain, specifically. Obviously it’s my stuff but what particular stuff is what my curious mind always wonders. Still, I can’t really complain too much. I’m ONLY about half moved to the new life in Canuckland. 

Why? Well, I got busy with planting season and then harvest season showed up; followed by the holiday season. That and I spent most of 2016 sick as a dog. Now, I can finally breathe and think about moving the rest. It’s hard work, you know, the thinking. Some days I have to take a nap so I can finish thinking about the thinking of moving, that particular segment anyways. Then there’s all the fun little Pintrest projects that are loads more ‘fun’ than thinking of packing, what to pack, how to pack and how much of all that will fit in my truck (?).

The thinking involved for moving is akin to the thinking involved with planting. What crop? Soy beans. Okay, now the fun begins. What variety? What traits do I really want in my beans this year. Maybe I think it will be a nice, season with perfectly timed rains. And no spider mites or white mold. Debating the merits of each variety is like deciding what to pack, where it will go (in the new life) and how to get it there. 

Then nostalgia hits. Wow, those memories pop up here and there, laughter echoes in the silence of unpacked boxes and I sit there wondering ‘how do you pack up a life, that’s still being lived, into boxes and file it away?’ My old life does not seamlessly merge with the new, once you consider the change in address, I  mean, country (!), farming practices AND crops (that’s a whole new ball game and I’m now a pee wee in the majors) and friends/family are now a day’s drive away instead of ten minutes. 

How do you make the new life feel comfortable, secure and like it’s actually your own life? Well, I’ll get back to you on that someday, probably not the foreseeable future, more like a good handful of years or two. I’ve the comfortable and secure parts down but the feeling like it’s my own, real life is still up in the air.

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