Monday, March 6, 2017

Foggy days in rain

They say March comes in like a lion. Well, that’s true. I woke to dripping, soggy rain and a quiet world draped in muffling fog. All this loveliness is supposed to finish with snow and a whipping wind; because it’s not truly a good storm without wind. 

All I can say is I’m glad I don’t have anywhere to go today. Well, except to my computer for more unending bookwork and my cleaning closet to wreak havoc on the evidence that I have a dog in the house (and a man). My hubby oh so sweetly asked if I wanted to help in the shop today. ‘What’re you boys up to?’ I’d asked. He replied with this and that and oh, we’re grinding rust off this straight truck to replace/reinforce some panels (depending on the nature of declination of the panel). Oh, well, let me jump right to it then. Ha. Being one of the smaller people it’s an easy guess as to where I’d end up, under the truck. Rust dust in my contacts (safety glasses only do so much), eh I’ll pass.

I hear bookwork and calls to return calling me! Sorry, love, no can do and I just remembered I was going to bake some cookies for you.

Then our dog galloped into sight just as hubby was going to head out. Yeah… somehow, somewhere he managed to find the mud. It’s just enough above freezing that apparently there is mud to be found. Boy, does he love mud! Hubby promised he’d hose the dog off in the shop before coming in. I countered with just come in, dry the paws and go straight to the shower the both of you. I can’t quite figure why that logic was met with such resistance. I didn’t mean they had to shower together. Ha. Ha. Ah well, he’ll figure out how to get the dog clean. Maybe running through the fog will be enough to do the job. One can hope. 

However, it's time for my coffee break. Till the next cup o' joe.

1 comment:

  1. Dogs are just like kids....If there is mud to be found they will undoubtedly find it!


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