Monday, March 20, 2017

Auction fever

For the good souls out there that absolutely adore auctions that season is rolling around. I don’t know what it is about auctions that speak to the soul. Maybe it’s the smooth, quick patter of an auctioneer or the bad coffee (and food?). Perhaps it’s the ice cream social version of getting out and socializing with neighbors and meeting new friends. 

We stopped in at a (somewhat) local auction site to check out what was coming in for the next sale. It’s bone-chilling cold and snowing weird snow pellets like fake snow but not. And what are people doing? They’re washing the trucks and equipment! Not exactly the bonniest, sunny good weather like most normal people wash cars or equipment in. This guy looked like he rued the day he took that job meanwhile his counterpart is moving the trucks around for him; nice and toasty dry. 

Somehow on the drive back home I found myself agreeing to follow auctions closely for my hubby. This new ‘job’ may or may not include me also bidding now and again for him. Yikes. Auctioneer speak is like learning another language right? I just need to train my ear to follow it. Wish me luck, I may have serious need of it. Who knows, maybe I’ll find myself waving my bidding number like a crazy woman winning bingo. I’m still looking for my diesel project or a decent wrenching project in general.

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