Monday, June 26, 2017

Birthdays, roads to somewhere and air planes

The wind in your face but it's too bright

A quick side note to start off with and that’s a big Happy Birthday to my Dad! Technically, it’s his half birthday but we celebrate it now. Because we all know a birthday can’t measure up to Christmas and all the festivities have worn us out. 

As I write (because I refuse to procrastinate!) this morning, the rising and falling tones of an air plane repetitiously droning nearby joins the symphonic overture of the cheeky leaves fluttering in the light breeze with the cheerful chirps of my neighborhood birds joining in. My sleepy hubby was up with the rising of the dawn this morning to go spraying the corn while crop dusters were out doing the same.

Wheat starting to head out
I, unfortunately, also noticed that the sun was up with the pink ribbons streaming into orange banners across the sky. Scooter, that morning pup, was snoring away on his bed till 8am when I told him he needed to ‘wakey, wakey’ and help write this morning’s post. So far he hasn’t been that big of a help. 

So, the hubby is busy and currently out of trouble, for the moment, spraying that last round of herbicide on the corn. Next up (if the rain stays away) will be wheat spraying. The fields are quickly turning as the bearded heads start to pop up and flower. My hubby always likes to tell me that ‘30% flowering is the ideal time to spray the wheat.’ Well, the headlands are ready but the rest of the field, not so much but that’s changing rapidly. 

We’re out crop scouting together (I’m slowly learning!) and checking those wheat fields, when we come across this road. I obviously had to take a photo because you can’t make this up. I might have mentioned before here and there in a post how the roads in Canuckland are definitely not what I’m used to in SoDak. This is considered a road! Apparently it goes somewhere. At least I don’t have to worry about potholes trying to beach my truck or wobble ‘n’ rumble the alignment to pieces. I do have to figure out where the road is though. The challenges you find in the most unexpected places, eh?

Legal road that goes somewhere
We’ve been fortunate enough to have rains almost exactly when we need them here in Canuckland. I’m really happy with that; I don’t have to water my garden! Sadly the weeds still grow really well and it’s the first year of the garden on what used to be lawn. You can imagine how well the grass is trying to grow back. Sigh. 

Anyways, in SoDak my Dad was saying last night it’s getting pretty dry there. His crops still look pretty good considering, although the beans are quite short yet. He’s thinking he will hold off on spraying for awhile, and hopefully it rains in the meantime, since the beans are short and in the delicate, not quite staged zone for spraying. Dad and Mom went to Wisconsin for a wedding this last weekend and said that crops there looked even worse. Some areas had a bit of rain and others didn’t, others had been too wet in spring and didn’t get planted, etc. It’s been a rough spring for sure for some farmers unfortunately this year. 

Happy Monday! May there be rain in your forecast, coffee in your hand and perfect winds for spraying.

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