Thursday, June 22, 2017

Ramblings on the first day of summer

Going in for the landing

So it was Father’s Day yesterday. It’s one of those holidays that rank right up there with my dad’s birthday. It’s a cool day because, duh, dads are awesome! But really though, peer into that coffee cup with honesty and admit that dads are hard to shop for or find a gift. This year must have been inspired (and I was fortunate to have a good friend in the mix too!) because it was a breeze. 

What better way to show dad we love and appreciate him by gifting him the heavy duty screwdriver set that features the mid-size to tiny size. Why? Well, it was so frustrating to need those mid to smaller screwdrivers and not find it or, find them broken. Sigh. Insert emoji with the eyes looking heavenward and an imaginary ‘tsk, tsk.’ 

Then inspiration struck when I clapped eyes on the rubber mallets. Dad was always saying he needed one, could never find it, yada yada yada. They’re perfect for tapping bearings in place. Say goodbye to the serious sledgehammer and block of wood (and you still get dings in those bearings). So I left for Canuckland with the gifts in my sister’s possession who would present them with a card on the day. Win for planning ahead!

I had thought they (mom and sis) would move the gifts from where I had left them. I’d left them leaning against an old barn trunk (looks like a like classic red barn, paint and everything) with the screwdriver set facing the trunk. This was located next to the foot of the staircase that Dad would trudge about twice a day.

Turns out that Dad had thought we’d gotten some funky hair curlers or something! Oh my goodness, I about fell off the couch laughing so hard my ribcage hurt when Mom was relating the story to me.

Then it hit me. What to get my father in-law? I was stumped. Books are always good but that’s a pretty hit and miss title. I was with a friend out and about helping her with her summer bash party prep and she mentioned that “you catch a Dutchman with cheese.” 

Her father in-law is also Dutch and she was stopping by this small town cheese store. Small town it may have been but it was premium quality cheese. A gift trio and two additional small blocks of cheese (this is stuff you wouldn’t find in the grocery store) and I was set. Don’t worry, I had a card too. Turns out her advice was so true. You really can ‘catch’ a Dutchman with cheese. Score one for the daughter in-law. 

So I’m two days behind posting for this week (posted on the 21st but I back dated, obviously) because 1) still recovering from being sick  2) Father’s Day  3) I procrastinated and 4) when the hubs asks if you want to go for a flight you say YES! And resign yourself to being another day late with your post. But it was worth it. 

First flight of the year was a win! It was a gorgeous evening, no wind or ground thermals and so much fun. I can’t wait to go up again when the canola and flax fields are blooming. It really is quite the sight. Imagine a quilt that has very square fields in it with brilliant fields of yellow beaming up at you, the occasional dusky blue flax moodily waves and lush, emerald green glints and rolls with the wind. Here and there a circle (potatoes) surprises you with its perfect shape, dark green and a trim border of black dirt. As far as the eye can see and clouds may drift, this is the view you’ve been blessed to see. 

Fellow flier
And for a light laugh or chuckle… I met a friend for coffee and to catch up. It was a lovely, sunny day with a teasing wind, coffee (iced, of course) and so we chose to sit outside on the coffee shop’s patio. About an hour into our chat I felt a little warm on my legs so I recrossed my legs and settled back into the conversation. I did this a couple of times over the next two, three hours and didn’t think too much of it. 

The breeze was cool as it toyed with my hair; the sun was a warm hand as it stroked my face. Then as we got uncomfortably warm, I really looked at my friend and noticed she was gaining quite the sunburn. It hit me then, I was wearing shorts and a light t-shirt, I was wearing shorts. Me, the person who has been wearing jeans and combat boots for planting work, was wearing shorts i.e. the Scandinavian with the winter tan yet on my legs. Uff da.

Only I could get a sunburn on my legs (really painful on the knees, let me tell you) while drinking coffee. I mean, really? I’m a little afraid to ask ‘what next?’ but then a little adventure never stopped me. 
Potato field in the circle

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