Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The End

Fall rye

I remember seeing these words ‘the end’ at the conclusion of the latest Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd adventure. Can you imagine if those words floated in the sky like a neon sign when you were done with planting? Of course, that’s more Hunger Games series than Bugs Bunny. It would bring the planting competition, er, game to a new level as that flashed across the sky when each neighbor raced, sweat-dripping, machinery limping across that ‘finish line.’ Complete with a grease-streaked mug shot Jason Bourne-style.

Well, it has been concluded that planting has finished for me in SoDak in this last week. Shortly, after last week’s post actually. Planting in Canuckland finished a week before that; the edibles had to wait a short period (delaying the end) till the weather warmed up and it dried off after a rain. During a run for a bag or two of extra seed, always good to be prepared don’t ya know, I had the opportunity to talk with our seed dealer. He wanted to know what we do for fun. I, of course, responded ‘work.’ Well, it’s the truth. Winter is when there’s actually time for fun and vacation so stay tuned for those sure to be quirky adventures. 

Pup in rye
 Okay, so he also asked about where the great spots were for fishing in Canuckland. Me being of the ‘casual’ fisherman type did the whole ‘shoulder shrug, hands up in the I don’t know’ gesture and said that while I could provide the B & B service and limited tour guide duty I would have to ask my brother in-law. My BIL loves to fish, when he can, and usually can reel in some sized fish so he would know the good spots to sink a line. 

My fish recognition scale revolves around the small world of blue gill, perch, bass, trout and salmon (only because I buy salmon in the grocery store). Clearly, I know exactly what lure and bait to use for the big dogs, er, serious fish. Myself, I prefer the half of a wriggling worm on my hook with the classic hook-style to it and a cheerful, happy red and white bobber. If I’m really feeling my skills are strong that day, I’ll even add a sinker. Yup, I am that confident.

Well, now that planting is a wrap and all my varieties are noted through the ‘Farm at Hand’ app (Canuck-based app but quite a few US farmers use it as well); that my hubby had gotten me hooked on when we were dating. I’d better be going and track down that hubby of mine and get a lesson or two in chemical application Canuck-style. 

I hope your planting/spring season finished well and is off to a great start! And may the winds be ever in your favor.

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