Thursday, February 8, 2018

Spring to fall but please take the stairs

Wombat Dam near Daylesford @hyphenatedfarmerswife
Wombat Dam near Daylesford, a perfect lunch spot
While I’d love to claim procrastination for this delayed posting it was two things. First, writer’s block like I have never experienced before. I knew exactly what I wanted to write about but I sat here staring as the cursor blinked steadily, waiting. My words were ‘loading, please wait,’ indefinitely as it turns out. The second was a migraine. The words were flowing on Wednesday but the little nagging headache quickly raced into migraine status. It’s no fun, I’m telling you.

Turns out the remedy were essentials oils for muscle & head tension and a heated rice bag wrapped in a towel under my neck. Darkness and silence were an absolute must. Yay for essential oils (therapeutic grade), DoTerra of course, for the win.

Its winter so how do we spring to fall, skipping summer entirely, and stairs? What do stairs have to do with it? Well, it’s not exactly what you first imagine it to be. I’m not talking about the seasons; they’re more of a place, mineral springs and Sailor Falls, to be exact.

Next on our travel stop was Daylesford to visit hubs’ second cousin and his family. We rented this cute little white car and off we went! Never have I struggled so much to get out of a car. Ha! Clearly I’m used to my pickup. The whole sitting so low with gravity wanting to keep me close definitely was an experience. Bafflement, amusement and resignation best describe the little car encounter. Anywho.

We were blessed to catch up with them before they took off for travels of their own. The cousins were wonderful hosts and tour guides. When they heard of our lack of kangaroo sightings they took us to the golf course. Turns out the roos like to chill over golf too. Although I think it was more so the tasty, tender grass than the actual game.

Apparently we were disrupting their evening
A wonderful hotel-meets-b&b was our resting locale for two nights. The breakfast was amazing and that doesn’t do the description justice. An indulgence for sure but what a lovely getaway! Bellinzona. Check it out, stay there, love it. Just my personal recommendation. Oh and park on the street, not in the back unless you’re looking to get your steps in for the day.

@ hyphenatedfarmerswife
Enjoying the water fountain from a shady nook at Bellinzona
As we left Daylesford, the show must go on, we stopped in at Sailor Falls and mineral springs. It was close by and on our route. Since Daylesford is the spa capital of Australia we had to stop at a mineral springs.

One thing we didn’t quite realize was that it’s summer and the rainfall isn’t exactly plentiful then. The falls were smaller from what we could see from the top. Oh well, let’s still go see it, we thought.

We get to the trail to go down to the falls. Trail is a loose definition at this starting point. It was a zig zagging network of stairs to descend to the luscious, tropical green below. It can’t be that bad right? I mean, the soothing sound of the falls does beckon. Bonus, there is a mineral springs on the trail that loops back to the falls viewing point.

Sailor Falls stairs @hyphenatedfarmerswife
The stairs with hubs at the 1/3 point from the end
It was surreal to be walking that path in this wood with the tree canopy far above and knowing that cars were zooming by on the highway up above. This was a little world tucked away from time.

On we trekked to the mineral springs. I was hoping to step into the spring and sit awhile and enjoy the serene surroundings. A sign showed the little diversion to the springs. Sure enough there was a little spa of sorts where we could sit and enjoy the springs. The only catch was its summer time. Little rain equals dry. Dry enough that the springs weren’t running. Well, that was a bummer.

Back to the trail we hiked on. The trail took us on a scenic tour around a hill that merged with the other side of the ravine (I guess you could call it that). My poor muscles were complaining by the time we reached the top and the point of down. After all what goes up must come down. I was so thankful to go in a downward direction.

Oh the view though! Far below was the narrow, well-worn trail we had walked. Across the distance were the misleading stairs. I could see another couple of poor schmucks, err, adventurers winding their way down and talking excitedly about the falls. The green foliage so reminiscent of the tropics, waved gently in the breeze; nodding to the hot sun high in the sky.

The falls while diminished were still beautiful. No thundering roar in this season but a steady rumble of cool water. It’s a wonderful to place to breathe, appreciate the stillness (no hustle and bustle here) and enjoy God’s handiwork.

Hubs and Sailor Falls
Spring to fall but please take the stairs; my current dilemma. Stairs. My under-conditioned muscles had already lodged a formal complaint. Unfortunately there was no elevator magically appearing. The incentive to make it to the top was the air conditioning in the car, for me. Hubs’ was looking forward to drinking the mineral water at the visitor hub.

Well, we made it to the top and didn’t run out of oxygen so that’s a small win. Hubs rushed over to the springs fountain and fills the water bottle completely full. He was so excited about it and how it was supposed to be so good for you. He graciously allowed me the first sip. Me, being rather hot and thirsty, took a big sip. I casually glanced away as I gave hubs the water bottle so he wouldn’t see my expression as I reluctantly swallowed the ‘healthful’ spring water. Got to share the love you know? Heaven knows I wouldn’t want to spoil the experience for him. Ha! It may have health benefits but effervescent and full of minerals were such an understatement. Perhaps soaking in a springs like a hot tub would be more enjoyable.

Needless to say the water bottle was quickly emptied on the grass; after I had enjoyed a good chuckle at hubs expression when he tried the spring water.

May your week be happy (it’s almost done!), filled with laugh out loud moments and hot coffee.

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