Friday, February 23, 2018

Walking among giants

A gorgeous coastline

The sun rose quickly, no clouds to toy with its view and already I was sweltering. The sun was a warm hug to my skin and clearly I was going to need sunscreen. We were off to conquer the Great Ocean road and see the sights!

The ocean view was amazing with many opportunities to enjoy the view as the road curved, cut around corners, nestled into the carved out pathway in the hillsides.

Just in case you forgot which side of the road
We stopped in Apollo Bay, about mid-way on the Great Ocean road, leaving us with time to sightsee the area. Also, it gave us the time to see the rest of the sights on the road tomorrow.

Hubs remembered touring a tree top walk with friends on a previous visit. Let’s do it! According to the map it was a decent 40 minute drive away. On the road however… if you thought the pig tail loops, sharp corners, steep drop-offs and narrow roads in the Black Hills weren’t for you then this road was not your cup of tea.

We drove through dense, tropical-like forest and vegetation. It was so green and lush it was like it had rained yesterday. The sheer vibrancy of emerald green boggled the mind and confused the eye. Trees towered up to the sun, filtering most of the light. The occasional ray of pure sunshine shocked the senses amidst the life of the forest.

Just when we thought we’d never see daylight or landscape with a view we emerged out of the valley on a hilltop. What a view. Rolling hills with deep valleys and cows dotted everywhere like ornaments on the hillsides. Round bales defied gravity’s pull and perched rock-steady. A sweeping glance, out and over those hills; I spied the ocean, like an ethereal veil hugging coastline.

Only a bit farther on we found our destination – Otway Fly Treetop Adventures. You could zip line the experience but we chose to walk. A nominal fee got us inside. It’s a fair warning to say you can get half of the daily recommended steps in (5k).

We hit the trail, a lovely wide path that wound serenely down to somewhere. An occasional hoot or shriek of delight echoed oddly amongst the trees accompanied with a whirring sound. Ah, the zipline tour. If we peeked carefully around a tree, snakes and spiders ya know, we caught a glimpse of someone racing along high above.
Catching the walkway from another view
The trail flattened out and led us to this.

the overlook tower @thehyphenatedfarmerswife
The overlook tower
I climbed the narrow stairs, even narrower when people were coming down. It’s a one way kind of stairs people, there should be signs. I hugged the center column as some tourists had no problem taking the entire stairway. With each step, I thought I was having dehydration problems. Dizzy, swaying, etc. I get to the top, stick a thumb out and sight it with a tree. Nope, the whole tower was swaying with the strong winds that managed to comb through the trees. Well, then, if that’s all then I’m okay. We heard several different languages in the tower as other tourists congregated to enjoy the sight.

The walkway from the ground
Touring onward we enjoyed the nature walk on the suspended walkways. It was a fabulous experience walking among the giants.

lush vegetation around the trees @hyphenatedfarmerswife
Lush vegetation around the trees

the giants at ground level @hyphenatedfarmerswife
The giants at ground level
May your week (end) be restful, serene and the coffee abundant.

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